Audyn hi-fi speaker

Personal project
4 months
San Francisco, CA.

Audyn premium home audio Bluetooth speaker is designed to provide a high-quality and precise audio experience. It can adjust to the user's preferences and deliver 360-degree surround sound from anywhere in the room. Sustainability was a key consideration in choosing long-lasting, premium materials that are soft to the touch. The design seamlessly integrates with the space's interiors and has a serene presence.

Industrial design


Functional Prototype

Audyn is alive and it shows off.

The light ring in Audyn fades in and fades out like it’s breathing while it is not playing any music, giving off a serene feeling. But put on your favortie music, and it matches to the beats.

To support it’s full capacity, Audyn needs to be continuously powered. It is not meant for outdoors, but bring the feel of outdoors to you.

Place it anywhere in the room, in a corner or an open space, Audyn is omnidirectional and equipped to change, to give you the best experience from any part of the room. Just like how you feel when you put on your favorite song.

Audyn is sculpted keeping highly crafted recycled materials to match the quality of the sound.




Audyn in Making

A Big thanks to Andrew Putman (Andy) at AAU and Sean Miller at Bilio for assisting me in this project.